Friday, September 2, 2011

First week of school

It has been a very busy summer for me, but here we are, again, at the beginning of a journey. I am as always SO happy to welcome all new students. Cannot wait to start teaching again.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Last days of school

It is always bittersweet when we finish a school year; fun to look forward to the summer, sad to say good bye to students and friends.  So, while i'm sitting here trying to organize and clean up a little, I would like to reflect on my year.  Students were successful, some students left us, and a lot will come back.  I think it was a good year overall, although maybe I am more tired that I've been for along time.  But, alas!  This is my job and I love it!!  So I hope all my students have a great summer, and all my friends as well.  I dream about doing lots of things, and I cannot wait for my son's wedding!  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PI Day this week

Monday 3-14 was PI day.  PI is a special number in the world of math, and so I would like for you to read about it, then write a few interesting facts that you would like all your classmates to see.
In the next few days, I will be sure to share what you have written.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Poster Board

Here's a picture of the poster board in your classroom.  What would you do to improve its' look, or appearance?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


hi Mrs G!!!!

First week of school

First week of school is so much fun! It's also full of challenges, it's the time I get to meet new students, and students get to make new friends.  We all work hard so that all first impressions are great.  That puts a lot of pressure on myself as a teacher, and probably on a lot of you too!

Write about something that sparked your interest these first few days, or something that made a really good impression on you.  Or simply write about your first day!